Friday 16 December 2011

Animation: "Evee and Bentley"

This is a hand-drawn animation I developed during weekly after school sessions over the course of two years (2009-2010).  It is based on two of my pre-existing characters, who over the years I have written various stories about: a girl, Evee, and her ghost-possessed scarf capable of movement, Bentley. 

Lino Printing and a Monoprint

Here is a lino print I did back in March 2011.  It includes four layers of different colours.  

Here is a monoprint I made:

Block Printing

Here is a block print of a butterfly I did in 2009.  I constructed the block primarily out of cardboard and used string for the antennae.

Small Press Comic Book With Screen-Printed Cover: "Imp"

This is my final piece for the unit 2 exam in AS level Graphics, completed in April 2011.  It is the story of a boy who one day, whilst working on a computer in a library, discovers a mischievous imp, and the events which follow.  The story is has a single panel per page and purposefully avoids the use of dialogue. 

The front covers are screen printed (here's a link to the post on my Graphics unit 2 exam blog, which shows my progress throughout the screen printing process, if you'd like to see it).  I drew the illustrations by hand, inked them with fine-liners, then scanned and arranged them on a computer before printing eighteen copies, which were then stapled together with each of the individually screen-printed covers. 

Observational Drawing

Here are some observational drawings I did in pencil, using a view-finder.

The rest of these drawings were done without the use of a viewfinder.


This drawing was done using a black biro pen:

Watercolour Piece

Here is my final piece for my GCSE Art exam.  I used watercolours and watercolour pencils as well as black pencil for details. 

"Playing with the Elements" Work

Here are some Graphics worksheets based on the elements of art, which I filled in with my own examples. I used a variety of pencil, India Ink, fine-liners, Copic Markers and white acrylic paint to do this.